Office 3005, Business Tower, Al Majaz ,sharjah, UAE.
Ready for Rewards? Getting started is Easy
Welcome to Dr Scent’s exclusive loyalty program designed to reward our most dedicated customers. As a member, you’ll enjoy a range of benefits including special discounts, early access to new products, and more. Our tiered system ensures that your loyalty is recognized and rewarded accordingly.
To get started, join as a Dr scent Account member.
Check your points and benefits on my rewards page.
Earn Points everytime you shop
Log in your Dr Scent account before you buy
You will automatically receive points on every purchase.
Redeem your points
At checkout redeem the points into a coupon and use the coupon.
choose how many points needed to convert into coupon “100 points = 5 AED”
Explore our Benefits
Spend 100 get 100 points
Birthday reward Refer and earn Early access to new products
Minimum spend 1500dhs
Spend 100 get 125 points Special Birthday reward Refer and earn Early access to new products Tier achievement bonus
Minimum spend 3500dhs
Spend 100 get 150 points
Special Birthday reward
Refer and earn Early access to new products Tier achievement bonus Get sample products as a gift
Buy More Earn More
The more you shop, the more you earn! With our tiered
system, the rewards keep growing as your dedication
deepens. Start exploring the Scented Circle loyalty program
today and experience a world of exclusive benefits and
Refer and Earn
Spread the scent-sational love! Refer your friends to join the Scented Circle loyalty program and earn bonus points for each successful referral. The more friends you invite, the more rewards you’ll earn. It’s a win-win for you and your loved ones!
Points are awarded based on your tier: Silver members receive standard points, Gold members receive additional points, and Platinum members receive the highest number of bonus points.
Tracking your loyalty points is easy! Simply log in to your account on our website or mobile app, and you'll find your points balance displayed prominently on your dashboard.
Points are applicable for most products, but please note that they are not applicable for products that are part of ongoing special offers or promotions.
We regularly introduce new offers and promotions exclusively for loyalty members across all tiers. Keep an eye on our communications for exciting updates!